NW Climate Science Magazine Released

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Northwest Climate Magazine

An annual publication from the Northwest Climate Science Center, the Climate Impacts Research Consortium and the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative aimed at sharing stories about Northwest climate research.
Click Here to download the 2016 edition of NW Climate Magazine
Dear Reader,
With its massive El Niño, 2015 was the warmest year on record globally, substantially exceeding the previous record, set only a year earlier. The Northwest felt particularly strong impacts, experiencing record temperatures across the region. Despite ample precipitation, a relief from 2014’s drought, we saw the snowpack disappear with remarkable speed in spring. El Niño has ended, but the past year gave us a look at the climate challenges we expect in the not-so-distant future.

We are pleased to bring you this latest issue of Northwest Climate Magazine, full of stories about the collaborative research, information development, and capacity-building we deliver to help our region prepare for climate change. This online publication is jointly produced by three regional, climate-focused enterprises in the Northwest. We had an overwhelming positive response to our first issue, and our second issue includes stories from additional sources, the Great Basin and Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. While our first issue revealed who we are, where we work, and what we do, this issue demonstrates the practical utility of the research we produce, information we generate, and collaborative efforts we support. It is gratifying to see our work help natural and cultural resource managers throughout the region understand and prepare for a changing environment.

Many of the stories in this issue deal with water availability, a pressing issue for the Northwest, particularly after the low snowpack and associated drought of 2015. Our feature story describes how people across our region are preparing for future drought–from researchers studying how to manage forests to better conserve
snowpack, to scientists developing better early warning systems for drought, to ski resort operators building zip lines and concert venues on their slopes to provide revenue that doesn’t depend on snow. A second story explores how applications of the Beaver Restoration Guidebook and construction of artificial beaver dams can help restore drying watersheds. We also tell stories about the science and support we offer to address threats from wildfire and from increasing stream temperatures; about adaptation efforts of the Nooksack Tribe; an effort to train our next generation of climate professionals; and new, cross-boundary, landscape-level conservation planning.

These stories bring to life some of the important collaborations that are helping our region prepare for the future, and we hope they will encourage you to participate in our joint research-for-management enterprise. Your input and participation are needed to guide our future work and to make our science actionable as we work to meet the challenges and opportunities of climate change.

Gustavo Bisbal (NW CSC), John Mankowski (NPLCC), Philip W Mote (CIRC/NW CSC), & Eric P Salathé Jr. (NW CSC)
You can also view each of our featured stories on the Northwest Climate Science Center webpage: use the links below to navigate to each:


How the Northwest's recent drought provided a glimpse into our future and what’s being done to plan for it

Leave it to Beavers

How researchers from the Pacific Northwest and Great Basin are working with the toothy, hardworking beaver to restore river watersheds under threat from climate change

Conservation Priorities in the Big Empty

An eco-regional approach to landscape conservation in the NW Great Basin

Turning Conservation on its Head

Building a climate shield: Protecting our coldest streams to preserve biodiversity

Science Without Borders

A look at how scientists with resource managers are hammering out useful
tools and approaches to build habitat connectivity across political boundaries

Lessons in the Ashes

How two geographers in Idaho are studying wildfire destruction in an effort to make our forests more resilient to climate change

Can We Keep Salmon In The Nooksack?

The Nooksack Indian Tribe acts to understand a changing watershed


Experiencing Climate Boot Camp

How a week in the woods helped Diana Gergel "problematize" and why that’s a good thing


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